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Cultural Institutions

The Greater Los Angeles region is home to a vast number of world-class cultural institutions. In recent years, the Latin American Institute has had the privilege of partnering with several of these to expose a wider audience to Latin America.

Since 2015, the LAI has been a partner with the Getty Research Institute and the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in a project to digitize the famed Florentine Codex, an encyclopedic 16th-century manuscript of early modern Mexico and Nahua knowledge. When complete, this illustrated manuscript replete with pre- and post-Conquest indigenous knowledge will be available to anyone on the planet with an Internet connection.

The LAI has also partnered with the Tierra Blanca Arts Center to co-sponsor an arts and dance festival called Semblanza. Through folk dance, music, and theater, Semblanza brings the Latin American arts to the people of Southern California.

Are you looking for partners to help develop Latin American cultural programming? Email outreach and community engagement coordinator Veronica Zavala at