Brazil is experiencing an unprecedented crisis in its recent history, composed of multiple dimensions (economic, institutional, environmental, and social); this crisis crosses national borders and fits into a global context. Although several constraints are endogenous, the world is aware and lives the consequences of the Brazilian crisis and truly has interests and participates in its developments.
This presentation gives examples of each of the four installed crises, revealing how they interact into a project of creative destruction of the national development foundations, and how they review the insertion of the country in the global scenario. Practical examples of this dialectic pair, destruction-creation, are also presented to educate the public about the depth of the crisis and the project that supports it.
Given the complexity of the topic and its timeliness, this presentation is based on empirical data and journalistic material from several sources, all of which are widely accepted by the scientific community and by the political environment committed to democratic values.
Renato Balbim is a Visiting Scholar at University of California Irvine. He has a PhD in Human Geography from the University of São Paulo (2003). He is Senior Research and Planning Advisor - Institute of Applied Economic Research IPEA (since 2009), former Director of Urban Planning - Ministry of Cities (Brazil 2008), Coordinator of Urban Rehabilitation - Ministry of Cities (Brazil 2003–2007), Senior Consultant at Cities Alliance - World Bank (Brazil, 2005). He has several publications including editor and author of ten books on urban development and several articles in journals and books.