
Namhee Lee

Professor, Asian Languages & Cultures
Department: Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
UCLA Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
268A Royce Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540
Campus mailcode: 154003
Keywords: Asia, Korea


Ph.D., Modern Korean History, University of Chicago, June 2001
M.A., Modern Korean History, University of Chicago, December 1990
B.A., Modern European History, University of Chicago, June 1984


The Making of Minjung: Democracy and the Politics of Representation in South Korea
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2007

"South Korean Democracy Movement," in James DeFronzo, ed., Revolutionary Movements In World History: From 1750 to the Present (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2006): 801-810.

"Representing the Worker: Worker-Intellectual Alliance of the 1980s in South Korea," in The Journal of Asian Studies 64:4 (November 2005): 911-938.

"Y|ksa, iron mit minjok kukka: Asia hak¡i ch|eg¡n ¡i ironj|k tonghyang" [History, Theory, and Nation: The Recent Theoretical Development in the Asian Field], forthcoming in Ji-Hyun Lim, ed., Kuksa ¡i hach'aer¡l hyanghay| [Deconstructing national history] (Seoul: Hyum|nist, 2004).

"Between Indeterminacy and Radical Critique: Madang-g¡k, Ritual, and Protest," in Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique (Winter 2003).

"Anti-Communism, North Korea, and Human Rights in South Korea: 'Orientalist' Discourse and Construction of South Korean Identity," in Mark Bradley, editor, Truth Claims: Representation and Human Rights (New Directions in International Studies, Rutgers University Press, 2002).

"The South Korean Student Movement: 'Undongkw|n' as a Counterpublic Space,"
in Charles Armstrong, editor, Civil Society in South Korea (New York: Routledge, 2002).

"Making Minjung Subjectivity: Crisis of Subjectivity and Rewriting History, 1960-1988," (Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 2001).