
One-time Payment Form/Honoraria

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Lecturers and Consultants


In order to process payment for UC Faculty one-time lectures or consultants, please fill out the Campus Payroll One-time Payment Form and submit to Tara Wake in 11230 Bunche Hall.

This form applies to UC faculty only.




Current University of California policy states that, "Full-time academic appointees are not normally eligible to receive additional compensation for activities related to their recognized University duties." UCLA faculty giving one-time lectures at International Institute center sponsored programs are considered to be performing part of their recognized duties as UCLA faculty and therefore NOT eligible for honoraria payment.  They may be reimbursed for actual related expenses. Emeritus faculty, faculty from other UC campuses, and non-UC faculty are eligible for honoraria payments for lectures, as well as reimbursement for actual related expenses.  All eligible honoraria payment for UC faculty must be made from non-State funds (i.e. non-19900).   Please submit one time payment forms to Tara Wake, International Institute Personnel Coordinator, who will forward to the Vice Provost for signature. Additional approvals for UCLA faculty are required by the faculty member's home department and the Vice Chancellor of Academic Personnel.


This form applies to UC faculty only.


For further inquiries, please contact Tara Wake.